Help with Rising Energy bills



Turn to us

Energy debt advice

If your struggling with debt its difficult to know where to turn.The British Gas Energy Trust would encourage you to contact your local Money Advice Agency for help before applying for a grant. If you get advice, this will help your chances of a successful grant application.

Click here to find your local advice centre or find online debt information at



Energy debt advice

You may also find advice from here



British Gas Energy Trust

Energy Grants available

Once you have sought advice, the British Gas Energy Trust may be able to provide a grant if you are struggling to pay off gas or electricity debt. Please note grants over £1,500 will only be considered in exceptional circumstances. As part of your application, we will want to understand how you will be able to manage your energy costs in future. The debt relief grants are available to both British Gas customers and customers of other energy suppliers.

To apply for a British Gas energy Trust grant 

Click here